1902 Campus Place, Suite 3
Louisville, KY 40299
FDSAS offers a full line of rescue equipment that will help your team complete your mission. When seconds count... FDSAS equips your department with the very best in the industry.
FDSAS supplies top of the line rope rescue equipment, providing only the highest in quality for trained safety and rescue personnel. We combine years of experience with seasoned advice and training to ensure the safety of rescue teams and the victims they are rescuing have the best equipment available.
Emergency responders must be prepared at a moment’s notice, with reliable rescue equipment they trust and depend upon. We specialize in providing safety equipment for all types of rescue teams who are in need of quality technical rescue equipment.
A successful water rescue begins with pre-planning, the right equipment, thorough training and an effective scene assessment. FDSAS can assist you with all of your water rescue equipment needs.
Water rescue is one of the most dangerous technical rescues, and one of the most important to have professional and reliable equipment. We carry equipment from the top names in the industry with proven results.