1902 Campus Place, Suite 3
Louisville, KY 40299
Studies show that firefighters run a significantly higher risk of being diagnosed with, and dying from, various forms of cancer than the general population. This is due to the hazardous chemicals and carcinogenic particles they are exposed to in the line of duty. To reduce this exposure and the resulting cancer risk, it is essential to thoroughly, safely and efficiently clean and decontaminate all protective equipment after every use.
In order to minimize the risk for firefighters of being diagnosed with cancer we need to minimize their exposure to cancer causing toxic chemicals such as PAH particles. One way of doing that is through thorough cleaning and decontamination of the PPE equipment.
L&R Mfg Co. has been a pioneer in ultrasonic cleaning technology for 90 years, and we continue to branch out by bringing this technology to SCBA. Because our systems and solutions are easy to use, environmentally friendly, and cost-efficient, fire departments and industrial safety facilities throughout the country depend on us to get their equipment flawlessly clean.
RESCUE Intellitech is dedicated to develop and market innovative products for emergency services, fire services and HazMat organizations. Few people know the challenges that are facing first responders in their day to day work life. Our goal is to introduce innovations that makes their jobs easier by removing work related risks, both before and after each emergency call. That is exactly what the Solo Rescue® Decon Washer does. Cleaning gear in the Solo Rescue means less exposure to cancer causing PAH particles and a safer work environment for you and your fellow firefighters.